Source code for docarray.array.document

from contextlib import ExitStack
from typing import Optional, overload, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Union

from docarray.array.base import BaseDocumentArray
from docarray.array.mixins import AllMixins

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from docarray.typing import DocumentArraySourceType
    from docarray.array.memory import DocumentArrayInMemory
    from docarray.array.sqlite import DocumentArraySqlite
    from docarray.array.annlite import DocumentArrayAnnlite
    from docarray.array.weaviate import DocumentArrayWeaviate
    from docarray.array.elastic import DocumentArrayElastic
    from docarray.array.redis import DocumentArrayRedis
    from docarray.array.milvus import DocumentArrayMilvus
    from docarray.array.opensearch import DocumentArrayOpenSearch
    from import SqliteConfig
    from import AnnliteConfig
    from import WeaviateConfig
    from import ElasticConfig
    from import RedisConfig
    from import MilvusConfig
    from import OpenSearchConfig

[docs]class DocumentArray(AllMixins, BaseDocumentArray): """ DocumentArray is a list-like container of :class:`~docarray.Document` objects. A DocumentArray can be used to store, embed, and retrieve :class:`~docarray.Document` objects. .. code-block:: python from docarray import Document, DocumentArray da = DocumentArray( [Document(text='The cake is a lie'), Document(text='Do a barrel roll!')] ) da.apply(Document.embed_feature_hashing) query = Document(text='Can i have some cake?').embed_feature_hashing() query.match(da, metric='jaccard', use_scipy=True) print(query.matches[:, ('text', 'scores__jaccard__value')]) .. code-block:: bash [['The cake is a lie', 'Do a barrel roll!'], [0.9, 1.0]] A DocumentArray can also :ref:`embed its contents using a neural network <embed-via-model>`, process them using an :ref:`external Flow or Executor <da-post>`, and persist Documents in a :ref:`Document Store <doc-store>` for fast vector search: .. code-block:: python from docarray import Document, DocumentArray import numpy as np n_dim = 3 metric = 'Euclidean' # initialize a DocumentArray with ANNLiter Document Store da = DocumentArray( storage='annlite', config={'n_dim': n_dim, 'columns': [('price', 'float')], 'metric': metric}, ) # add Documents to the DocumentArray with da: da.extend( [ Document(id=f'r{i}', embedding=i * np.ones(n_dim), tags={'price': i}) for i in range(10) ] ) # perform vector search np_query = np.ones(n_dim) * 8 results = da.find(np_query) .. seealso:: For further details, see our :ref:`user guide <documentarray>`. """ @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, copy: bool = False, subindex_configs: Optional[Dict[str, 'None']] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArrayInMemory': """Create an in-memory DocumentArray object.""" ... @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, storage: str = 'sqlite', config: Optional[Union['SqliteConfig', Dict]] = None, subindex_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict]] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArraySqlite': """Create a SQLite-powered DocumentArray object.""" ... @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, storage: str = 'weaviate', config: Optional[Union['WeaviateConfig', Dict]] = None, subindex_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict]] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArrayWeaviate': """Create a Weaviate-powered DocumentArray object.""" ... @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, storage: str = 'annlite', config: Optional[Union['AnnliteConfig', Dict]] = None, subindex_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict]] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArrayAnnlite': """Create a AnnLite-powered DocumentArray object.""" ... @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, storage: str = 'elasticsearch', config: Optional[Union['ElasticConfig', Dict]] = None, subindex_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict]] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArrayElastic': """Create a Elastic-powered DocumentArray object.""" ... @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, storage: str = 'redis', config: Optional[Union['RedisConfig', Dict]] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArrayRedis': """Create a Redis-powered DocumentArray object.""" ... @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, storage: str = 'milvus', config: Optional[Union['MilvusConfig', Dict]] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArrayMilvus': """Create a Milvus-powered DocumentArray object.""" @overload def __new__( cls, _docs: Optional['DocumentArraySourceType'] = None, storage: str = 'opensearch', config: Optional[Union['OpenSearchConfig', Dict]] = None, ) -> 'DocumentArrayOpenSearch': """Create an OpenSearch-powered DocumentArray object.""" ... def __enter__(self): self._exit_stack = ExitStack() # Ensure that we sync the data to the storage backend when exiting the context manager self._exit_stack.callback(self.sync) # Enter (and then exit) context of all subindices if getattr(self, '_subindices', None): for selector, da in self._subindices.items(): self._exit_stack.enter_context(da) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Trigger all __exit__()s and callbacks added in self.__enter__() self._exit_stack.close() def __new__(cls, *args, storage: str = 'memory', **kwargs): if cls is DocumentArray: if storage == 'memory': from docarray.array.memory import DocumentArrayInMemory instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayInMemory) elif storage == 'sqlite': from docarray.array.sqlite import DocumentArraySqlite instance = super().__new__(DocumentArraySqlite) elif storage == 'annlite': from docarray.array.annlite import DocumentArrayAnnlite instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayAnnlite) elif storage == 'weaviate': from docarray.array.weaviate import DocumentArrayWeaviate instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayWeaviate) elif storage == 'qdrant': from docarray.array.qdrant import DocumentArrayQdrant instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayQdrant) elif storage == 'elasticsearch': from docarray.array.elastic import DocumentArrayElastic instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayElastic) elif storage == 'redis': from .redis import DocumentArrayRedis instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayRedis) elif storage == 'milvus': from .milvus import DocumentArrayMilvus instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayMilvus) elif storage == 'opensearch': from docarray.array.opensearch import DocumentArrayOpenSearch instance = super().__new__(DocumentArrayOpenSearch) else: raise ValueError(f'storage=`{storage}` is not supported.') else: instance = super().__new__(cls) return instance