Source code for

import json
import os
import os.path
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Type, TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Any

import hubble
from hubble import Client as HubbleClient
from hubble.client.endpoints import EndpointsV2

from docarray.helper import (

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from docarray.typing import T

def _get_length_from_summary(summary: List[Dict]) -> Optional[int]:
    """Get the length from summary."""
    for item in summary:
        if 'Length' == item['name']:
            return item['value']

[docs]class PushPullMixin: """Transmitting :class:`DocumentArray` via Jina Cloud Service""" _max_bytes = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
[docs] @staticmethod @hubble.login_required def cloud_list(show_table: bool = False) -> List[str]: """List all available arrays in the cloud. :param show_table: if true, show the table of the arrays. :returns: List of available DocumentArray's names. """ from rich import print result = [] from rich.table import Table from rich import box resp = HubbleClient(jsonify=True).list_artifacts( filter={'type': 'documentArray'}, sort={'createdAt': 1} ) table = Table( title=f'You have {resp["meta"]["total"]} DocumentArray on the cloud', box=box.SIMPLE, highlight=True, ) table.add_column('Name') table.add_column('Length') table.add_column('Access') table.add_column('Created at', justify='center') table.add_column('Updated at', justify='center') for da in resp['data']: result.append(da['name']) table.add_row( da['name'], str(_get_length_from_summary(da['metaData'].get('summary', []))), da['visibility'], da['createdAt'], da['updatedAt'], ) if show_table: print(table) return result
[docs] @staticmethod @hubble.login_required def cloud_delete(name: str) -> None: """ Delete a DocumentArray from the cloud. :param name: the name of the DocumentArray to delete. """ HubbleClient(jsonify=True).delete_artifact(name=name)
def _get_raw_summary(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: ( is_homo, _nested_in, _nested_items, attr_counter, all_attrs_names, ) = _get_array_info(self) items = [ dict( name='Type', value=self.__class__.__name__, description='The type of the DocumentArray', ), dict( name='Length', value=len(self), description='The length of the DocumentArray', ), dict( name='Homogenous Documents', value=is_homo, description='Whether all documents are of the same structure, attributes', ), dict( name='Common Attributes', value=list(attr_counter.items())[0][0] if attr_counter else None, description='The common attributes of all documents', ), dict( name='Has nested Documents in', value=tuple(_nested_in), description='The field that contains nested Documents', ), dict( name='Multimodal dataclass', value=all(d.is_multimodal for d in self), description='Whether all documents are multimodal', ), dict( name='Subindices', value=tuple(getattr(self, '_subindices', {}).keys()) ), ] items.append( dict( name='Inspect attributes', value=_nested_items, description='Quick overview of attributes of all documents', ) ) storage_infos = self._get_storage_infos() _nested_items = [] if storage_infos: for k, v in storage_infos.items(): _nested_items.append(dict(name=k, value=v)) items.append( dict( name='Storage backend', value=_nested_items, description='Quick overview of the Document Store', ) ) return items
[docs] @hubble.login_required def push( self, name: str, show_progress: bool = False, public: bool = True, branding: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Dict: """Push this DocumentArray object to Jina Cloud which can be later retrieved via :meth:`.push` .. note:: - Push with the same ``name`` will override the existing content. - Kinda like a public clipboard where everyone can override anyone's content. So to make your content survive longer, you may want to use longer & more complicated name. - The lifetime of the content is not promised atm, could be a day, could be a week. Do not use it for persistence. Only use this full temporary transmission/storage/clipboard. :param name: a name that later can be used for retrieve this :class:`DocumentArray`. :param show_progress: if to show a progress bar on pulling :param public: by default anyone can pull a DocumentArray if they know its name. Setting this to False will allow only the creator to pull it. This feature of course you to login first. :param branding: a dict of branding information to be sent to Jina Cloud. {"icon": "emoji", "background": "#fff"} """ import requests delimiter = os.urandom(32) (data, ctype) = requests.packages.urllib3.filepost.encode_multipart_formdata( { 'file': ( 'DocumentArray', delimiter, ), 'name': name, 'type': 'documentArray', 'public': public, 'metaData': json.dumps( { 'summary': self._get_raw_summary(), 'branding': branding, 'version': get_full_version(), }, sort_keys=True, ), } ) headers = { 'Content-Type': ctype, } auth_token = hubble.get_token() if auth_token: headers['Authorization'] = f'token {auth_token}' _head, _tail = data.split(delimiter) _head += self._stream_header from rich import filesize from import get_progressbar pbar, t = get_progressbar('Pushing', disable=not show_progress, total=len(self)) def gen(): total_size = 0 pbar.start_task(t) yield _head def _get_chunk(_batch): return b''.join( d._to_stream_bytes(protocol='protobuf', compress='gzip') for d in _batch ), len(_batch) for chunk, num_doc_in_chunk in self.map_batch(_get_chunk, batch_size=32): total_size += len(chunk) if total_size > self._max_bytes: warnings.warn( f'DocumentArray is too big. The pushed DocumentArray might be chopped off.' ) break yield chunk pbar.update( t, advance=num_doc_in_chunk, total_size=str(filesize.decimal(total_size)), ) yield _tail with pbar: response = HubbleClient()._base_url + EndpointsV2.upload_artifact, data=gen(), headers=headers, ) if response.ok: return response.json()['data'] else: if response.status_code >= 400 and 'readableMessage' in response.json(): response.reason = response.json()['readableMessage'] response.raise_for_status()
[docs] @classmethod @hubble.login_required def pull( cls: Type['T'], name: str, show_progress: bool = False, local_cache: bool = True, *args, **kwargs, ) -> 'T': """Pulling a :class:`DocumentArray` from Jina Cloud Service to local. :param name: the upload name set during :meth:`.push` :param show_progress: if to show a progress bar on pulling :param local_cache: store the downloaded DocumentArray to local folder :return: a :class:`DocumentArray` object """ import requests headers = {} auth_token = hubble.get_token() if auth_token: headers['Authorization'] = f'token {auth_token}' url = HubbleClient()._base_url + EndpointsV2.download_artifact + f'?name={name}' response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.ok: url = response.json()['data']['download'] else: response.raise_for_status() with requests.get( url, stream=True, ) as r: r.raise_for_status() _da_len = int(r.headers['Content-length']) from import LazyRequestReader _source = LazyRequestReader(r) cache_file = f'{__cache_path__}/{name.replace("/", "_")}.da' if local_cache and os.path.exists(cache_file): _cache_len = os.path.getsize(cache_file) if _cache_len == _da_len: _source = cache_file r = cls.load_binary( _source, protocol='protobuf', compress='gzip', _show_progress=show_progress, *args, **kwargs, ) if isinstance(_source, LazyRequestReader) and local_cache: Path(__cache_path__).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(cache_file, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(_source.content) return r
cloud_push = push cloud_pull = pull