Source code for docarray.array.mixins.setitem

import itertools
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from docarray import Document
from docarray.helper import typename

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from docarray.typing import (

[docs]class SetItemMixin: """Provides helper function to allow advanced indexing for `__setitem__`""" @overload def __setitem__( self, index: 'DocumentArrayMultipleAttributeType', value: List[List['Any']], ): ... @overload def __setitem__( self, index: 'DocumentArraySingleAttributeType', value: List['Any'], ): ... @overload def __setitem__( self, index: 'DocumentArraySingletonIndexType', value: 'Document', ): ... @overload def __setitem__( self, index: 'DocumentArrayMultipleIndexType', value: Sequence['Document'], ): ... def __setitem__( self, index: 'DocumentArrayIndexType', value: Union['Document', Sequence['Document']], ): from docarray.helper import check_root_id if getattr(self, '_is_subindex', None): check_root_id(self, value) self._update_subindices_set(index, value) # set by offset # allows da[1] = Document() if isinstance(index, (int, np.generic)) and not isinstance(index, bool): self._set_doc_by_offset(int(index), value) elif isinstance(index, str): # set by traversal paths # allows da['@m,c] = [m1, m2, ..., mn, c1, c2, ..., cp] if index.startswith('@'): self._set_doc_value_pairs_nested(self.traverse_flat(index[1:]), value) # set by ID # allows da['id_123'] = Document() else: self._set_doc(index, value) # set by slice # allows da[1:3] = [d1, d2] elif isinstance(index, slice): self._set_docs_by_slice(index, value) # flatten and set # allows da[...] = [d1, d2,..., dn] elif index is Ellipsis: self._set_doc_value_pairs(self.flatten(), value) # index is sequence elif isinstance(index, Sequence): # allows da[idx1, idx2] = value if isinstance(index, tuple) and len(index) == 2: self._set_by_pair(index[0], index[1], value) # allows da[True, False, True, True] elif isinstance(index[0], bool): self._set_by_mask(index, value) # allows da[id1, id2, id3] = [d1, d2, d3] elif isinstance(index[0], (int, str)): for si, _val in zip(index, value): self[si] = _val # leverage existing setter else: raise IndexError( f'{index} should be either a sequence of bool, int or str' ) # set by ndarray elif isinstance(index, np.ndarray): index = index.squeeze() if index.ndim == 1: self[index.tolist()] = value # leverage existing setter else: raise IndexError( f'When using np.ndarray as index, its `ndim` must =1. However, receiving ndim={index.ndim}' ) else: raise IndexError(f'Unsupported index type {typename(index)}: {index}') def _set_by_pair(self, idx1, idx2, value): if isinstance(idx1, str) and not idx1.startswith('@'): # second is an ID # allows da[id1, id2] = [d1, d2] if isinstance(idx2, str) and idx2 in self: self._set_doc_value_pairs((self[idx1], self[idx2]), value) # second is an attribute # allows da[id, attr] = attr_value elif isinstance(idx2, str) and hasattr(self[idx1], idx2): self._set_doc_attr_by_id(idx1, idx2, value) # second is a list of attributes: # allows da[id, [attr1, attr2, attr3]] = [v1, v2, v3] elif ( isinstance(idx2, Sequence) and all(isinstance(attr, str) for attr in idx2) and all(hasattr(self[idx1], attr) for attr in idx2) ): for attr, _v in zip(idx2, value): self._set_doc_attr_by_id(idx1, attr, _v) else: raise IndexError(f'`{idx2}` is neither a valid id nor attribute name') elif isinstance(idx1, int): # second is an offset # allows da[offset1, offset2] = [d1, d2] if isinstance(idx2, int): self._set_doc_value_pairs((self[idx1], self[idx2]), value) # second is an attribute # allows da[offset, attr] = value elif isinstance(idx2, str) and hasattr(self[idx1], idx2): self._set_doc_attr_by_offset(idx1, idx2, value) # second is a list of attributes # allows da[offset, [attr1, attr2, attr3]] = [v1, v2, v3] elif ( isinstance(idx2, Sequence) and all(isinstance(attr, str) for attr in idx2) and all(hasattr(self[idx1], attr) for attr in idx2) ): for attr, _v in zip(idx2, value): self._set_doc_attr_by_offset(idx1, attr, _v) else: raise IndexError(f'`{idx2}` must be an attribute or list of attributes') # allows da[sequence/slice/ellipsis/traversal_path, attributes] = [v1, v2, ...] elif ( isinstance(idx1, (slice, Sequence)) or idx1 is Ellipsis or (isinstance(idx1, str) and idx1.startswith('@')) ): self._set_docs_attributes(idx1, idx2, value) else: raise IndexError(f'Unsupported first index type {typename(idx1)}: {idx1}') def _set_by_mask(self, mask: List[bool], value): _selected = itertools.compress(self, mask) self._set_doc_value_pairs(_selected, value) def _set_docs_attributes(self, index, attributes, value): if isinstance(attributes, str): # a -> [a] # [a, a] -> [a, a] attributes = (attributes,) value = (value,) if isinstance(index, str) and index.startswith('@'): self._set_docs_attributes_traversal_paths(index, attributes, value) elif index is Ellipsis: _docs = self[index] for _a, _v in zip(attributes, value): if _a == 'tensor': _docs.tensors = _v elif _a == 'embedding': _docs.embeddings = _v else: if not isinstance(_v, (list, tuple)): for _d in _docs: setattr(_d, _a, _v) else: for _d, _vv in zip(_docs, _v): setattr(_d, _a, _vv) self._set_doc_value_pairs_nested(_docs, _docs) else: _docs = self[index] if not _docs: return for _a, _v in zip(attributes, value): if _a in ('tensor', 'embedding'): if _a == 'tensor': _docs.tensors = _v elif _a == 'embedding': _docs.embeddings = _v for _d in _docs: self._set_doc(, _d) else: if not isinstance(_v, (list, tuple)): for _d in _docs: self._set_doc_attr_by_id(, _a, _v) else: for _d, _vv in zip(_docs, _v): self._set_doc_attr_by_id(, _a, _vv) def _set_docs_attributes_traversal_paths( self, traversal_paths: str, attributes, value ): _docs = self[traversal_paths] if not _docs: return for _a, _v in zip(attributes, value): if _a == 'tensor': _docs.tensors = _v elif _a == 'embedding': _docs.embeddings = _v else: if not isinstance(_v, (list, tuple)): for _d in _docs: setattr(_d, _a, _v) else: for _d, _vv in zip(_docs, _v): setattr(_d, _a, _vv) self._set_doc_value_pairs_nested(_docs, _docs)