Source code for

from typing import (

import numpy as np

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
from docarray.math import ndarray
from docarray.math.helper import EPSILON
from docarray.math.ndarray import to_numpy_array
from docarray.score import NamedScore
from docarray.array.mixins.find import FindMixin as BaseFindMixin

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    import tensorflow
    import torch

    ElasticArrayType = TypeVar(

[docs]class FindMixin(BaseFindMixin): def _find_similar_vectors( self, query: 'ElasticArrayType', filter: Optional[Dict] = None, limit=10, **kwargs, ): """ Return vector search results for the input query. `script_score` will be used in filter_field is set. :param query: query vector used for vector search :param filter: filter query used for pre-filtering :param limit: number of items to be retrieved :return: DocumentArray containing the closest documents to the query if it is a single query, otherwise a list of DocumentArrays containing the closest Document objects for each of the queries in `query`. """ query = to_numpy_array(query) is_all_zero = np.all(query == 0) if is_all_zero: query = query + EPSILON knn_query = { 'field': 'embedding', 'query_vector': query, 'k': limit, 'num_candidates': 10000 if 'num_candidates' not in kwargs else kwargs['num_candidates'], } resp = self._client.knn_search( index=self._config.index_name, knn=knn_query, filter=filter, ) list_of_hits = resp['hits']['hits'] da = DocumentArray() for result in list_of_hits: doc = Document.from_base64(result['_source']['blob']) doc.scores['score'] = NamedScore(value=result['_score']) doc.embedding = result['_source']['embedding'] da.append(doc) return da def _find_similar_documents_from_text( self, query: str, index: str = 'text', filter: Union[dict, list] = None, limit: int = 10, ): """ Return keyword matches for the input query :param query: text used for keyword search :param limit: number of items to be retrieved :return: DocumentArray containing the closest documents to the query if it is a single query, otherwise a list of DocumentArrays containing the closest Document objects for each of the queries in `query`. """ query = { "bool": { "must": [ {"match": {index: query}}, ], "filter": filter, } } resp = index=self._config.index_name, query=query, source=['id', 'blob', 'text'], size=limit, ) list_of_hits = resp['hits']['hits'] da = DocumentArray() for result in list_of_hits[:limit]: doc = Document.from_base64(result['_source']['blob']) doc.scores['score'] = NamedScore(value=result['_score']) da.append(doc) return da def _find_by_text( self, query: Union[str, List[str]], index: str = 'text', filter: Union[dict, list] = None, limit: int = 10, ): if isinstance(query, str): query = [query] return [ self._find_similar_documents_from_text( q, index=index, filter=filter, limit=limit, ) for q in query ] def _find( self, query: 'ElasticArrayType', limit: int = 10, filter: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List['DocumentArray']: """Returns approximate nearest neighbors given a batch of input queries. :param query: input supported to be stored in Elastic. This includes any from the list '[np.ndarray, tensorflow.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Sequence[float]]' :param limit: number of retrieved items :param filter: filter query used for pre-filtering :return: DocumentArray containing the closest documents to the query if it is a single query, otherwise a list of DocumentArrays containing the closest Document objects for each of the queries in `query`. """ query = np.array(query) num_rows, n_dim = ndarray.get_array_rows(query) if n_dim != 2: query = query.reshape((num_rows, -1)) return [ self._find_similar_vectors(q, filter=filter, limit=limit, **kwargs) for q in query ] def _find_with_filter(self, query: Dict, limit: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 20): resp = index=self._config.index_name, query=query, size=limit, ) list_of_hits = resp['hits']['hits'] da = DocumentArray() for result in list_of_hits[:limit]: doc = Document.from_base64(result['_source']['blob']) doc.scores['score'] = NamedScore(value=result['_score']) da.append(doc) return da def _filter( self, query: Dict, limit: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 20 ) -> 'DocumentArray': return self._find_with_filter(query, limit=limit)