Source code for

from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict

import numpy as np

from docarray.math import ndarray
from docarray.math.helper import top_k, minmax_normalize, update_rows_x_mat_best

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from docarray.typing import T, ArrayType

    from docarray import DocumentArray

[docs]class FindMixin: """A mixin that provides find functionality to DocumentArrays""" def _find( self: 'T', query: 'ArrayType', metric: Union[ str, Callable[['ArrayType', 'ArrayType'], 'np.ndarray'] ] = 'cosine', limit: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 20, normalization: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, metric_name: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, use_scipy: bool = False, device: str = 'cpu', num_worker: Optional[int] = 1, filter: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple['np.ndarray', 'np.ndarray']: """Returns approximate nearest neighbors given a batch of input queries. :param query: the query embeddings to search :param metric: the distance metric. :param limit: the maximum number of matches, when not given defaults to 20. :param normalization: a tuple [a, b] to be used with min-max normalization, the min distance will be rescaled to `a`, the max distance will be rescaled to `b` all values will be rescaled into range `[a, b]`. :param metric_name: if provided, then match result will be marked with this string. :param batch_size: if provided, then ``self.embeddings`` is loaded in batches, where each of them is at most ``batch_size`` elements. When `self.embeddings` is big, this can significantly speedup the computation. :param use_scipy: if set, use ``scipy`` as the computation backend. Note, ``scipy`` does not support distance on sparse matrix. :param device: the computational device for ``.search()``, can be either `cpu` or `cuda`. :param num_worker: the number of parallel workers. If not given, then the number of CPUs in the system will be used. .. note:: This argument is only effective when ``batch_size`` is set. :param filter: filter query used for pre-filtering :param kwargs: other kwargs. :return: a list of DocumentArrays containing the closest Document objects for each of the queries in `query`. """ if filter is not None: raise ValueError( 'Filtered vector search is not supported for In-Memory backend' ) if batch_size is not None: if batch_size <= 0: raise ValueError( f'`batch_size` must be larger than 0, receiving {batch_size}' ) else: batch_size = int(batch_size) if callable(metric): cdist = lambda *x: metric(*x[:2]) elif isinstance(metric, str): if use_scipy: from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as cdist else: from docarray.math.distance import cdist as _cdist cdist = lambda *x: _cdist(*x, device=device) else: raise TypeError( f'metric must be either string or a 2-arity function, received: {metric!r}' ) metric_name = metric_name or (metric.__name__ if callable(metric) else metric) if batch_size: return self._find_nn_online( query, cdist, limit, normalization, metric_name, batch_size, num_worker ) else: return self._find_nn(query, cdist, limit, normalization, metric_name) def _find_nn( self, query: 'ArrayType', cdist, limit, normalization, metric_name ) -> Tuple['np.ndarray', 'np.ndarray']: """ :param query: the query embeddings to search by. :param cdist: the distance metric :param limit: the maximum number of matches, when not given all Documents in `darray` are considered as matches :param normalization: a tuple [a, b] to be used with min-max normalization, the min distance will be rescaled to `a`, the max distance will be rescaled to `b` all values will be rescaled into range `[a, b]`. :param metric_name: if provided, then match result will be marked with this string. :return: distances and indices """ dists = cdist(query, self.embeddings, metric_name) dist, idx = top_k(dists, min(limit, len(self)), descending=False) if isinstance(normalization, (tuple, list)) and normalization is not None: # normalization bound uses original distance not the top-k trimmed distance min_d = np.min(dists, axis=-1, keepdims=True) max_d = np.max(dists, axis=-1, keepdims=True) dist = minmax_normalize(dist, normalization, (min_d, max_d)) return dist, idx def _find_nn_online( self, query, cdist, limit, normalization, metric_name, batch_size, num_worker, ) -> Tuple['np.ndarray', 'np.ndarray']: """ :param query: the query embeddings to search by. :param cdist: the distance metric :param limit: the maximum number of matches, when not given all Documents in `another` are considered as matches :param normalization: a tuple [a, b] to be used with min-max normalization, the min distance will be rescaled to `a`, the max distance will be rescaled to `b` all values will be rescaled into range `[a, b]`. :param batch_size: length of the chunks loaded into memory from darray. :param metric_name: if provided, then match result will be marked with this string. :param num_worker: the number of parallel workers. If not given, then the number of CPUs in the system will be used. :return: distances and indices """ n_q, _ = ndarray.get_array_rows(query) idx = 0 top_dists = np.inf * np.ones((n_q, limit)) top_inds = np.zeros((n_q, limit), dtype=int) def _get_dist(da: 'DocumentArray'): distances = cdist(query, da.embeddings, metric_name) dists, inds = top_k(distances, limit, descending=False) if isinstance(normalization, (tuple, list)) and normalization is not None: dists = minmax_normalize(dists, normalization) return dists, inds, len(da) if num_worker is None or num_worker > 1: # notice that all most all computations (regardless the framework) are conducted in C # hence there is no worry on Python GIL and the backend can be safely put to `thread` to # save unnecessary data passing. This in fact gives a huge boost on the performance. _gen = self.map_batch( _get_dist, batch_size=batch_size, backend='thread', num_worker=num_worker, ) else: _gen = (_get_dist(b) for b in self.batch(batch_size=batch_size)) for (dists, inds, _bs) in _gen: inds += idx idx += _bs top_dists, top_inds = update_rows_x_mat_best( top_dists, top_inds, dists, inds, limit ) # sort final the final `top_dists` and `top_inds` per row permutation = np.argsort(top_dists, axis=1) dist = np.take_along_axis(top_dists, permutation, axis=1) idx = np.take_along_axis(top_inds, permutation, axis=1) return dist, idx def _get_root_docs(self, docs: 'DocumentArray') -> 'DocumentArray': """Get the root documents of the current DocumentArray. :return: a `DocumentArray` containing the root documents. """ from docarray import DocumentArray root_da_flat = self[...] da = DocumentArray() for doc in docs: result = doc while getattr(result, 'parent_id', None): result = root_da_flat[result.parent_id] da.append(result) return da