Source code for docarray.helper

import json
import os
import pathlib
import random
import sys
import uuid
import warnings
from os.path import expanduser
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections import Counter

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from docarray import Document, DocumentArray

__resources_path__ = os.path.join(
        sys.modules.get('docarray').__file__ if 'docarray' in sys.modules else __file__

__cache_path__ = f'{expanduser("~")}/.cache/{__package__}'

[docs]def typename(obj): """ Get the typename of object. :param obj: Target object. :return: Typename of the obj. """ if not isinstance(obj, type): obj = obj.__class__ try: return f'{obj.__module__}.{obj.__name__}' except AttributeError: return str(obj)
[docs]def deprecate_by(new_fn, removed_at: str): """A helper function to label deprecated function Usage: old_fn_name = deprecate_by(new_fn) :param new_fn: the new function :param removed_at: removed at which version :return: a wrapped function with old function name """ def _f(*args, **kwargs): import inspect old_fn_name = inspect.stack()[1][4][0].strip().split("=")[0].strip() warnings.warn( f'`{old_fn_name}` is renamed to `.{new_fn.__name__}()` with the same usage, please use the latter instead. The old function will be removed in {removed_at}.', FutureWarning, ) return new_fn(*args, **kwargs) return _f
[docs]def dunder_get(_dict: Any, key: str) -> Any: """Returns value for a specified dunderkey A "dunderkey" is just a fieldname that may or may not contain double underscores (dunderscores!) for referencing nested keys in a dict. eg:: >>> data = {'a': {'b': 1}} >>> dunder_get(data, 'a__b') key 'b' can be referrenced as 'a__b' :param _dict: (dict, list, struct or object) which we want to index into :param key: (str) that represents a first level or nested key in the dict :return: (mixed) value corresponding to the key """ if not _dict: return None try: part1, part2 = key.split('__', 1) except ValueError: part1, part2 = key, '' try: part1 = int(part1) # parse int parameter except ValueError: pass if isinstance(part1, int): result = _dict[part1] elif isinstance(_dict, dict): if part1 in _dict: result = _dict[part1] else: result = None elif isinstance(_dict, Sequence): result = _dict[part1] else: result = getattr(_dict, part1) return dunder_get(result, part2) if part2 else result
[docs]def random_identity(use_uuid1: bool = False) -> str: """ Generate random UUID. ..note:: A MAC address or time-based ordering (UUID1) can afford increased database performance, since it's less work to sort numbers closer-together than those distributed randomly (UUID4) (see here). A second related issue, is that using UUID1 can be useful in debugging, even if origin data is lost or not explicitly stored. :param use_uuid1: use UUID1 instead of UUID4. This is the default Document ID generator. :return: A random UUID. """ return random_uuid(use_uuid1).hex
[docs]def random_uuid(use_uuid1: bool = False) -> uuid.UUID: """ Get a random UUID. :param use_uuid1: Use UUID1 if True, else use UUID4. :return: A random UUID. """ return uuid.uuid1() if use_uuid1 else uuid.uuid4()
[docs]def download_mermaid_url(mermaid_url, output) -> None: """ Download the jpg image from mermaid_url. :param mermaid_url: The URL of the image. :param output: A filename specifying the name of the image to be created, the suffix svg/jpg determines the file type of the output image. """ from urllib.request import Request, urlopen try: req = Request(mermaid_url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with open(output, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(urlopen(req).read()) except: raise RuntimeError('Invalid or too-complicated graph')
[docs]def get_full_version() -> Dict: """ Get the version of libraries used in Jina and environment variables. :return: Version information and environment variables """ import google.protobuf, platform from docarray import __version__ from google.protobuf.internal import api_implementation from uuid import getnode return { 'docarray': __version__, 'protobuf': google.protobuf.__version__, 'proto-backend': api_implementation.Type(), 'python': platform.python_version(), 'platform': platform.system(), 'platform-release': platform.release(), 'platform-version': platform.version(), 'architecture': platform.machine(), 'processor': platform.processor(), 'uid': getnode(), 'session-id': str(random_uuid(use_uuid1=True)), 'ci-vendor': get_ci_vendor(), }
[docs]def get_ci_vendor() -> str: with open(os.path.join(__resources_path__, 'ci-vendors.json')) as fp: all_cis = json.load(fp) for c in all_cis: if isinstance(c['env'], str) and c['env'] in os.environ: return c['constant'] elif isinstance(c['env'], dict): for k, v in c['env'].items(): if os.environ.get(k, None) == v: return c['constant'] elif isinstance(c['env'], list): for k in c['env']: if k in os.environ: return c['constant'] return 'unset'
assigned_ports = set() unassigned_ports = [] DEFAULT_MIN_PORT = 49153 MAX_PORT = 65535
[docs]def reset_ports(): def _get_unassigned_ports(): # if we are running out of ports, lower default minimum port if MAX_PORT - DEFAULT_MIN_PORT - len(assigned_ports) < 100: min_port = int(os.environ.get('JINA_RANDOM_PORT_MIN', '16384')) else: min_port = int( os.environ.get('JINA_RANDOM_PORT_MIN', str(DEFAULT_MIN_PORT)) ) max_port = int(os.environ.get('JINA_RANDOM_PORT_MAX', str(MAX_PORT))) return set(range(min_port, max_port + 1)) - set(assigned_ports) unassigned_ports.clear() assigned_ports.clear() unassigned_ports.extend(_get_unassigned_ports()) random.shuffle(unassigned_ports)
[docs]def random_port() -> Optional[int]: """ Get a random available port number. :return: A random port. """ def _random_port(): import socket def _check_bind(port): with socket.socket() as s: try: s.bind(('', port)) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) return port except OSError: return None _port = None if len(unassigned_ports) == 0: reset_ports() for idx, _port in enumerate(unassigned_ports): if _check_bind(_port) is not None: break else: raise OSError( f'can not find an available port in {len(unassigned_ports)} unassigned ports, assigned already {len(assigned_ports)} ports' ) int_port = int(_port) unassigned_ports.pop(idx) assigned_ports.add(int_port) return int_port try: return _random_port() except OSError: assigned_ports.clear() unassigned_ports.clear() return _random_port()
[docs]class cached_property: """The decorator to cache property of a class.""" def __init__(self, func): """ Create the :class:`cached_property`. :param func: Cached function. """ self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, cls): cached_value = obj.__dict__.get(f'CACHED_{self.func.__name__}', None) if cached_value is not None: return cached_value value = obj.__dict__[f'CACHED_{self.func.__name__}'] = self.func(obj) return value def __delete__(self, obj): cached_value = obj.__dict__.get(f'CACHED_{self.func.__name__}', None) if cached_value is not None: if hasattr(cached_value, 'close'): cached_value.close() del obj.__dict__[f'CACHED_{self.func.__name__}']
[docs]def compress_bytes(data: bytes, algorithm: Optional[str] = None) -> bytes: if algorithm == 'lz4': import lz4.frame data = lz4.frame.compress(data) elif algorithm == 'bz2': import bz2 data = bz2.compress(data) elif algorithm == 'lzma': import lzma data = lzma.compress(data) elif algorithm == 'zlib': import zlib data = zlib.compress(data) elif algorithm == 'gzip': import gzip data = gzip.compress(data) return data
[docs]def decompress_bytes(data: bytes, algorithm: Optional[str] = None) -> bytes: if algorithm == 'lz4': import lz4.frame data = lz4.frame.decompress(data) elif algorithm == 'bz2': import bz2 data = bz2.decompress(data) elif algorithm == 'lzma': import lzma data = lzma.decompress(data) elif algorithm == 'zlib': import zlib data = zlib.decompress(data) elif algorithm == 'gzip': import gzip data = gzip.decompress(data) return data
[docs]def get_compress_ctx(algorithm: Optional[str] = None, mode: str = 'wb'): if algorithm == 'lz4': import lz4.frame compress_ctx = lambda x: lz4.frame.LZ4FrameFile(x, mode) elif algorithm == 'gzip': import gzip compress_ctx = lambda x: gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=x, mode=mode) elif algorithm == 'bz2': import bz2 compress_ctx = lambda x: bz2.BZ2File(x, mode) elif algorithm == 'lzma': import lzma compress_ctx = lambda x: lzma.LZMAFile(x, mode) else: compress_ctx = None return compress_ctx
[docs]def dataclass_from_dict(klass, dikt): try: fieldtypes = klass.__annotations__ return klass(**{f: dataclass_from_dict(fieldtypes[f], dikt[f]) for f in dikt}) except AttributeError: if isinstance(dikt, (tuple, list)): return [dataclass_from_dict(klass.__args__[0], f) for f in dikt] return dikt
[docs]def protocol_and_compress_from_file_path( file_path: str, default_protocol: Optional[str] = None, default_compress: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Extract protocol and compression algorithm from a string, use defaults if not found. :param file_path: path of a file. :param default_protocol: default serialization protocol used in case not found. :param default_compress: default compression method used in case not found. Examples: >>> protocol_and_compress_from_file_path('./docarray_fashion_mnist.protobuf.gzip') ('protobuf', 'gzip') >>> protocol_and_compress_from_file_path('/Documents/docarray_fashion_mnist.protobuf') ('protobuf', None) >>> protocol_and_compress_from_file_path('/Documents/docarray_fashion_mnist.gzip') (None, gzip) """ ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS = {'pickle', 'protobuf', 'protobuf-array', 'pickle-array'} ALLOWED_COMPRESSIONS = {'lz4', 'bz2', 'lzma', 'zlib', 'gzip'} protocol = default_protocol compress = default_compress file_extensions = [e.replace('.', '') for e in pathlib.Path(file_path).suffixes] for extension in file_extensions: if extension in ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS: protocol = extension elif extension in ALLOWED_COMPRESSIONS: compress = extension return protocol, compress
[docs]def add_protocol_and_compress_to_file_path( file_path: str, protocol: Optional[str] = None, compress: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """Creates a new file path with the protocol and compression methods as extensions. :param file_path: path of a file. :param protocol: chosen protocol. :param compress: compression algorithm. Examples: >>> add_protocol_and_compress_to_file_path('docarray_fashion_mnist.bin') 'docarray_fashion_mnist.bin' >>> add_protocol_and_compress_to_file_path('docarray_fashion_mnist', 'protobuf', 'gzip') 'docarray_fashion_mnist.protobuf.gzip' """ file_path_extended = file_path if protocol: file_path_extended += '.' + protocol if compress: file_path_extended += '.' + compress return file_path_extended
[docs]def filter_dict(d: Dict) -> Dict: """Removes `None` values from dict `d`. :param d: input dict :return: filtered dict """ return dict(filter(lambda item: item[1] is not None, d.items()))
def _safe_cast_int(value: Union[str, int, float]) -> int: """Safely cast string and float to an integer It mainly avoids silently rounding down the float value :param value: value to be cast :return: cast integer """ if isinstance(value, float) and not value.is_integer(): raise ValueError(f"Can't safely cast {value} to an int") return int(value) def _get_array_info(da: 'DocumentArray'): all_attrs = da._get_attributes('non_empty_fields') # remove underscore attribute all_attrs = [tuple(vv for vv in v if not vv.startswith('_')) for v in all_attrs] attr_counter = Counter(all_attrs) all_attrs_names = set(v for k in all_attrs for v in k) _nested_in = [] if 'chunks' in all_attrs_names: _nested_in.append('chunks') if 'matches' in all_attrs_names: _nested_in.append('matches') is_homo = len(attr_counter) == 1 _nested_items = [] if not is_homo: for n_attributes, n_docs in attr_counter.most_common(): if n_docs == 1: _doc_text = f'{n_docs} Document has' else: _doc_text = f'{n_docs} Documents have' if len(n_attributes) == 1: _text = f'{_doc_text} one attribute' elif len(n_attributes) == 0: _text = f'{_doc_text} no attribute' else: _text = f'{_doc_text} attributes' _nested_items.append( dict(name=_text, value=str(n_attributes), description='') ) return is_homo, _nested_in, _nested_items, attr_counter, all_attrs_names
[docs]def check_root_id(da: 'DocumentArray', value: Union['Document', Sequence['Document']]): from docarray import Document from docarray.array.memory import DocumentArrayInMemory if not ( isinstance(value, Document) or (isinstance(value, Sequence) and isinstance(value[0], Document)) ): return if isinstance(value, Document): value = [value] if isinstance(da, DocumentArrayInMemory): if not all([getattr(doc, 'parent_id', None) for doc in value]): warnings.warn( "Not all documents have parent_id set. This may cause unexpected behavior.", UserWarning, ) elif da._config.root_id and not all( [doc.tags.get('_root_id_', None) for doc in value] ): warnings.warn( "root_id is enabled but not all documents have _root_id_ set. This may cause unexpected behavior.", UserWarning, )
[docs]def login(interactive: Optional[bool] = None, force: bool = False, **kwargs): """Login to Jina AI Cloud account. :param interactive: If set to true, login will support notebook environments, otherwise the enviroment will be inferred. :param force: If set to true, overwrite token and re-login. """ import hubble hubble.login(interactive=interactive, force=force)
[docs]def logout(): """Log out of Hubble account.""" import hubble hubble.logout()