from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Sequence, Optional, List, Any
import numpy as np
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from docarray.typing import ArrayType
from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
[docs]def unravel(docs: Sequence['Document'], field: str) -> Optional['ArrayType']:
_first = getattr(docs[0], field)
if _first is None:
# failed to unravel, return as a list
r = [getattr(d, field) for d in docs]
if any(_rr is not None for _rr in r):
return r
return None
framework, is_sparse = get_array_type(_first)
cls_type = type(_first)
all_fields = [getattr(d, field) for d in docs]
none_idx = [idx for idx, v in enumerate(all_fields) if v is None]
if none_idx:
raise ValueError(
f'Document{none_idx}.{field} is None. Can not stack into `{field}s`.'
if framework == 'python':
return cls_type(all_fields)
elif framework == 'numpy':
return np.stack(all_fields)
elif framework == 'tensorflow':
import tensorflow as tf
return tf.stack(all_fields)
elif framework == 'torch':
import torch
return torch.stack(all_fields)
elif framework == 'paddle':
import paddle
return paddle.stack(all_fields)
elif framework == 'scipy':
import scipy.sparse
return cls_type(scipy.sparse.vstack(all_fields))
[docs]def ravel(value: 'ArrayType', docs: 'DocumentArray', field: str) -> None:
"""Ravel :attr:`value` into ``doc.field`` of each documents
:param docs: the docs to set
:param field: the field of the doc to set
:param value: the value to be set on ``doc.field``
use_get_row = False
if hasattr(value, 'getformat'):
# for scipy only
sp_format = value.getformat()
if sp_format in {'bsr', 'coo'}:
# for BSR and COO, they dont implement [j, ...] in scipy
# but they offer get_row() API which implicitly translate the
# sparse row into CSR format, hence needs to convert back
# not very efficient, but this is the best we can do.
use_get_row = True
if use_get_row:
emb_shape0 = value.shape[0]
for d, j in zip(docs, range(emb_shape0)):
row = getattr(value.getrow(j), f'to{sp_format}')()
docs[, field] = row
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
for d, j in zip(docs, value):
docs[, field] = j
emb_shape0 = value.shape[0]
for d, j in zip(docs, range(emb_shape0)):
docs[, field] = value[j, ...]
[docs]def get_array_type(
array: 'ArrayType', raise_error_if_not_array: bool = True
) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
"""Get the type of ndarray without importing the framework
:param array: any array, scipy, numpy, tf, torch, etc.
:return: a tuple where the first element represents the framework, the second represents if it is sparse array
module_tags = array.__class__.__module__.split('.')
class_name = array.__class__.__name__
if isinstance(array, (list, tuple)):
return 'python', False
if 'numpy' in module_tags:
return 'numpy', False
if 'docarray' in module_tags:
if class_name == 'NdArray':
return 'docarray', False # sparse or not is irrelevant
if 'docarray_pb2' in module_tags:
if class_name == 'NdArrayProto':
return 'docarray_proto', False # sparse or not is irrelevant
if 'tensorflow' in module_tags:
if class_name == 'SparseTensor':
return 'tensorflow', True
if class_name == 'Tensor' or class_name == 'EagerTensor':
return 'tensorflow', False
if 'torch' in module_tags and class_name == 'Tensor':
return 'torch', array.is_sparse
if 'paddle' in module_tags and class_name == 'Tensor':
# Paddle does not support sparse tensor on 11/8/2021
return 'paddle', False
if 'scipy' in module_tags and 'sparse' in module_tags:
return 'scipy', True
if raise_error_if_not_array:
if array is not None:
raise TypeError(
f'can not determine the array type: {module_tags}.{class_name}'
raise ValueError(
f'Empty ndarray. Did you forget to set .embedding/.tensor value and now you are operating on it?'
return 'python', False
[docs]def to_numpy_array(value) -> 'np.ndarray':
"""Return the value always in :class:`numpy.ndarray` regardless the framework type.
:return: the value in :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
v = value
framework, is_sparse = get_array_type(value)
if is_sparse:
if hasattr(v, 'todense'):
v = v.todense()
elif hasattr(v, 'to_dense'):
v = v.to_dense()
elif framework == 'tensorflow':
import tensorflow as tf
if isinstance(v, tf.SparseTensor):
v = tf.sparse.to_dense(v)
if hasattr(v, 'numpy'):
v = v.numpy()
if framework == 'python':
v = np.array(v)
return v
[docs]def to_list(value) -> List[float]:
r = to_numpy_array(value)
if isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
return r.tolist()
elif isinstance(r, list):
return r
raise TypeError(f'{r} can not be converted into list')
[docs]def get_array_rows(array: 'ArrayType') -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Get the number of rows of the ndarray without importing all frameworks
:param array: input array
:return: (num_rows, ndim)
>>> get_array_rows([1,2,3])
1, 1
>>> get_array_rows([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
2, 2
>>> get_array_rows([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
3, 2
>>> get_array_rows(np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]))
3, 2
array_type, _ = get_array_type(array)
if array_type == 'python':
first_element_list_like = isinstance(array[0], (list, tuple))
num_rows = len(array) if first_element_list_like else 1
ndim = 2 if first_element_list_like else 1
elif array_type in ('numpy', 'tensorflow', 'torch', 'paddle', 'scipy'):
ndim = array.ndim
if ndim == 1:
num_rows = 1
num_rows = array.shape[0]
raise ValueError
return num_rows, ndim
[docs]def check_arraylike_equality(x: 'ArrayType', y: 'ArrayType'):
"""Check if two array type objects are the same with the supported frameworks.
>>> import numpy as np
x = np.array([[1,2,0,0,3],[1,2,0,0,3]])
>>> from scipy import sparse as sp
x = sp.csr_matrix([[1,2,0,0,3],[1,2,0,0,3]])
>>> import torch
x = torch.tensor([1,2,3])
x_type, x_is_sparse = get_array_type(x)
y_type, y_is_sparse = get_array_type(y)
same_array = False
if x_type == y_type and x_is_sparse == y_is_sparse:
if x_type == 'python':
same_array = x == y
if x_type == 'numpy':
# Numpy does not support sparse tensors
import numpy as np
same_array = np.array_equal(x, y)
elif x_type == 'torch':
import torch
if x_is_sparse:
# torch.equal NotImplementedError for sparse
same_array = all((x - y).coalesce().values() == 0)
same_array = torch.equal(x, y)
elif x_type == 'scipy':
# Not implemented in scipy this should work for all types
# Note: you can't simply look at nonzero values because they can be in
# different positions.
if x.shape != y.shape:
same_array = False
same_array = (x != y).nnz == 0
elif x_type == 'tensorflow':
if x_is_sparse:
same_array = x == y
# Does not have equal implemented, only elementwise, therefore reduce .all is needed
same_array = (x == y).numpy().all()
elif x_type == 'paddle':
# Paddle does not support sparse tensor on 11/8/2021
# Does not have equal implemented, only elementwise, therefore reduce .all is needed
same_array = (x == y).numpy().all()
return same_array
return same_array
[docs]def detach_tensor_if_present(x: Any) -> Any:
"""Check if input is a dense torch array and detaches the tensor from the current graph.
:param array: input array
:return: (num_rows, ndim)
x_type, x_sparse = get_array_type(x, raise_error_if_not_array=False)
if x_type == 'torch' and not x_sparse:
import torch
x = torch.tensor(x.detach().numpy())
return x