Access Modality#

After constructing a multi-modal Document or DocumentArray, you can directly access your custom-defined modalities by their names.

Return types

Accessing a modality always returns a Document or a DocumentArray, instead of directly returning the data stored in them. This ensures maximum flexibility.

To learn more about the rationale behind this design, read our blog post.

Document level access#

Even after conversion to Document, custom-defined modalities can be accessed by their names, returning a Document or, for list-types, a DocumentArray:

from docarray import Document, dataclass
from typing import List
from docarray.typing import Image, Text

class MMDoc:
    banner: Image
    paragraphs: List[Text]

doc = Document(
        paragraphs=['This is a paragraph', 'this is another paragraph'],

print(doc.banner)  # returns a Document with the test.jpg image tensor
print(doc.banner.tensor)  # returns the image tensor directly
print(doc.paragraphs)  # returns a DocumentArray with one Document per paragraph
print(doc.paragraphs.texts)  # returns the paragraph texts directly
<Document ('id', 'parent_id', 'granularity', 'tensor', 'mime_type', 'uri', '_metadata', 'modality') at eaccc9c573c07f13b7ee8aa04a83c9eb>
[[[255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]
  [255 255 255]]]
<DocumentArray (length=2) at 140540453339296>
['This is a paragraph', 'this is another paragraph']

The returned Documents (or DocumentArrays) can be directly used to store additional information about the modality:

import torch, torchvision

model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
banner_tensor = torch.tensor(doc.banner.tensor).transpose(0, 2).unsqueeze(0)
doc.banner.embedding = model(banner_tensor)

Select nested fields#

Nested fields, coming from nested dataclasses, can be accessed by selecting the outer field, and then selecting the inner field:

from docarray import dataclass, Document
from docarray.typing import Image, Text

class InnerDoc:
    description: Text
    banner: Image = 'test-1.jpeg'

class OuterDoc:
    feature_image: InnerDoc
    website: str = ''

doc = Document(OuterDoc(feature_image=InnerDoc(description='this is a description')))
)  # returns a Document with 'this is a description' as text
print(doc.feature_image.description.text)  # returns 'this is a description'
<Document ('id', 'parent_id', 'granularity', 'text', 'modality') at 94de1bef2fc8010ff4fe86791a671c44>
this is a description

DocumentArray-level access#

Custom modalities can be accessed through the familiar selector syntax.

Like all selectors, a selector for a multi-modal attribute begins with @. The fact that a custom modality is accessed is denoted through the addition of a ., coming before a list of modality names:

@.[field1, field2, ...]
^^ ~~~~~~  ~~~~~~
||   |       |
||   |-------|
||       |
||       | --- dataclass field (modality name)
|| ------ start of modality selector
| ---- start of selector

Selecting a modality from a DocumentArray always results in another DocumentArray:

from docarray import Document, dataclass, DocumentArray
from docarray.typing import Image, Text

class MMDoc:
    banner: Image
    description: Text

da = DocumentArray(
            MMDoc(banner='test-1.jpeg', description='this is a test white-noise image')
            MMDoc(banner='test-2.jpeg', description='another test image but in black')

╭───────────────────────────── Documents Summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│   Length                 2                                                   │
│   Homogenous Documents   True                                                │
│   Common Attributes      ('id', 'parent_id', 'granularity', 'tensor',        │
│                          'mime_type', 'uri', 'modality')                     │
│   Multimodal dataclass   False                                               │
│                                                                              │
╭─────────────────────── Attributes Summary ────────────────────────╮
│                                                                   │
│   Attribute     Data type      #Unique values   Has empty value   │
│  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
│   granularity   ('int',)       1                False             │
│   id            ('str',)       2                False             │
│   mime_type     ('str',)       1                False             │
│   modality      ('str',)       1                False             │
│   parent_id     ('str',)       2                False             │
│   tensor        ('ndarray',)   2                False             │
│   uri           ('str',)       2                False             │
│                                                                   │
╭───────────────────────────── Documents Summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│   Length                 2                                                   │
│   Homogenous Documents   True                                                │
│   Common Attributes      ('id', 'parent_id', 'granularity', 'text',          │
│                          'modality')                                         │
│   Multimodal dataclass   False                                               │
│                                                                              │
╭────────────────────── Attributes Summary ──────────────────────╮
│                                                                │
│   Attribute     Data type   #Unique values   Has empty value   │
│  ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
│   granularity   ('int',)    1                False             │
│   id            ('str',)    2                False             │
│   modality      ('str',)    1                False             │
│   parent_id     ('str',)    2                False             │
│   text          ('str',)    2                False             │
│                                                                │

Select multiple fields#

You can select multiple fields by including them in the square brackets, separated by commas ,:

da['@.[description, banner]']
╭───────────────────────────── Documents Summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│   Length                        4                                            │
│   Homogenous Documents          False                                        │
│   2 Documents have attributes   ('id', 'parent_id', 'granularity', 'text',   │
│                                 'modality')                                  │
│   2 Documents have attributes   ('id', 'parent_id', 'granularity',           │
│                                 'tensor', 'mime_type', 'uri', 'modality')    │
│   Multimodal dataclass          False                                        │
│                                                                              │
╭───────────────────────────── Attributes Summary ─────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│   Attribute     Data type                 #Unique values   Has empty value   │
│  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
│   granularity   ('int',)                  1                False             │
│   id            ('str',)                  4                False             │
│   mime_type     ('str',)                  2                False             │
│   modality      ('str',)                  2                False             │
│   parent_id     ('str',)                  2                False             │
│   tensor        ('ndarray', 'NoneType')   4                True              │
│   text          ('str',)                  3                False             │
│   uri           ('str',)                  3                False             │
│                                                                              │

Slice dataclass objects#

Remember each dataclass object corresponds to one Document object. You can first slice the DocumentArray before selecting the field. Specifically, you can do:

@r[slice].[field1, field2, ...]

where slice can be any slice syntax accepted in Access Documents.

For example, to select the sub-Document .banner for only the first Document:

╭───────────────────────────── Documents Summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│   Length                 1                                                   │
│   Homogenous Documents   True                                                │
│   Common Attributes      ('id', 'parent_id', 'granularity', 'tensor',        │
│                          'mime_type', 'uri', 'modality')                     │
│   Multimodal dataclass   False                                               │
│                                                                              │
╭─────────────────────── Attributes Summary ────────────────────────╮
│                                                                   │
│   Attribute     Data type      #Unique values   Has empty value   │
│  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
│   granularity   ('int',)       1                False             │
│   id            ('str',)       1                False             │
│   mime_type     ('str',)       1                False             │
│   modality      ('str',)       1                False             │
│   parent_id     ('str',)       1                False             │
│   tensor        ('ndarray',)   1                False             │
│   uri           ('str',)       1                False             │
│                                                                   │

Slice List[Type] fields#

If a field is annotated as a List of DocArray types, it creates a DocumentArray. You can add slicing after the field selector to further restrict the number of sub-Documents.

from typing import List

from docarray import Document, dataclass, DocumentArray
from docarray.typing import Image, Text

class MMDoc:
    banner: List[Image]
    description: Text

da = DocumentArray(
                banner=['test-1.jpeg', 'test-2.jpeg'],
                description='this is a test white image',
                banner=['test-1.jpeg', 'test-2.jpeg'],
                description='another test image but in black',

for d in da['@.[banner][:1]']:

To summarize, slicing can be put in front of the field selector to restrict the number of dataclass objects, or after the field selector to restrict the number of sub-Documents.

Select nested fields#

A field can be annotated as a DocArray dataclass. In this case, the nested structure from the latter dataclass is copied to the former’s .chunks. To select the deeply nested field, you can simply follow:

@.[field1, field2, ...].[nested_field1, nested_field1, ...]

For example:

from docarray import dataclass, Document, DocumentArray
from docarray.typing import Image, Text

class BannerDoc:
    description: Text = 'this is a test empty image'
    banner: Image = 'test-1.jpeg'

class ColumnArticle:
    featured: BannerDoc
    description: Text = 'this is a column article'
    website: str = ''

c1 = ColumnArticle(featured=BannerDoc(banner='test-1.jpeg'))
c2 = ColumnArticle(featured=BannerDoc(banner='test-2.jpeg'))

da = DocumentArray([Document(c1), Document(c2)])

for d in da['@.[featured].[banner]']: